Introduction and our history

Ismerje Get to know our company
Ajkai Elektronikai Kft. has produced and manufactured various industrial sheet metal components since 1962, and has been a partner of OEM manufacturers and component suppliers in Europe.
Our direct – Tier 1 – relationship of 20 years with Magyar Suzuki Rt. with the production of hundreds of different types of metal parts (bodywork components, door hinges and fittings) alone is representative of the vertical complexity of our capabilities.
Our main core activities include stamping, welding and surface treatment, in addition to assembly and chemical surface cleaning.
We are constantly expanding our technological capabilities and, if necessary, we combine them with sister companies (AE-Plasztik Zrt., IK Metál Kft., Vart-Speciál Kft., IK Szereléstechnika Kft.) in close cooperation, thus satisfying the highest customer requirements.
Our production base is located within a 6 hectare site at Gyár utca 35 in Ajka, where we serve our partners with ~10,000 m2 of utilisation of the area in the financial year 2022.
Production of industrial sheet metal parts since 1962
Our history

The company was founded in Ajka under the name Videoton
primarily to manufacture radio and TV sets. From the end of the 1970s, the manufacture of military radios became a dominant feature.
After privatisation: Kvattro Rt.
Official partner of Hungarian Suzuki
new company formed
The 100% Hungarian-owned Műszertechnika Holding acquires
the company and the Ajkai Elektronikai Kft. is established.
Important milestone
from Division II of Ajkai Elektronikai Kft.
AE-Plastik Kft. is established by legal succession.
From a limited liability company to a shareholding company
Ajkai Elektronikai Kft. is transformed into a shareholding company.
economic development
Revenue exceeds EUR 18 million
this means an increase of 10 million euros in 10 years.
technological development
Our first 630-tonne Servo press arrives
new management
New Chief Executive Officer at the helm of Ajkai Elektronika Zrt.
our vision
Continuous expansion of our product portfolio, improving our efficiency
and with the production of complex products of higher added value, we want to become a leading player in the industry!
numbers and data
Key information
data protection, quality, environmental protection, fees
Related pages

This regulation lays down rules relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and rules relating to the free movement of personal data. The requirements of the regulation shall be applied to specific data processing activities and to the issuance of instructions and notices governing data processing.

Quality policy
The quality policy of Ajkai Elektronikai Kft. is based on the principle of identifying and, as far as possible, satisfying the real and hidden needs of customers. We want to achieve the necessary high quality with a safe and secure workplace, working under relaxed conditions and motivated employees, with adequate profitability to ensure further development.

Environmental protection
We are committed to a more enhanced protection of our environment and our activities are carried out under a certified environmental management system according to ISO 14001.